0207 394 3645

Nose Conditions


This is an inflammation inside the nose. Its symptoms include a runny nose and post-nasal drip. The most typical form of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis, which is triggered by airborne allergens, like pollen, pets or dust mites.

Nasal polyps

Polyps are small masses that arise from the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. They are non-tender but cause the nose to be blocked. Nasal polyps are most often treated with steroids or topical, but can also be treated with surgical methods

Acute Sinusitis (sinus infection)

Acute Sinusitis can happen as a result of a virus or bacterial infection, allergy or autoimmune problem which causes inflammation in the sinus cavity. Common symptoms of acute sinusitis can be, a green or yellow discharge from your nose a blocked nose, pain and tenderness around your cheeks, eyes or forehead, a sinus headache, a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or more, toothache, a reduced sense of smell, bad breath (halitosis).

Chronic sinusitis (chronic rhinosinusitis)

This can occur after an acute sinusitis and it is a persistent inflammatory condition of one or more of the sinuses, which lasts three months or more. If treatment for acute and chronic sinusitis with medication and nasal hygiene doesn't improve things you can undergo surgery to improve the drainage of your sinuses.

Epistaxis (nose bleeds)

Nose bleeds can affect people of any ages. Normally they are nothing to worry about and can occur for a number of reasons, however in rare cased they can be linked to other medical problems such as blood disorders. If nose bleeds are persistent they can be treated with cauterisation. However you should seek immediate for nose bleeds if the bleeding continues for longer than 20 minutes, bleeding is very heavy and you've lost a lot of blood, breathing becomes difficult, or if you swallow a large amount of blood that makes you vomit or if the nose bleed is the result of a serious injury.

Deviated septum

This is a common physical disorder of the nose, where the septum, that divides the nose, is not straight, but deviates to one side. This then obstructs airflow and can be corrected with a surgical procedure.

Hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis)

This is a common allergic condition, such as a reaction to pollen, which affects at least 20% of the population at some point in their life. Its symptoms include a runny and blocked nose, itchy eyes and sneezing.